Home > Seattle, or Venus?

Seattle, or Venus?

November 3rd, 2006 at 05:07 am

It was the first really rainy, really low cloudy day of the season. Today Seattle resembled nothing more, nothing less than the old timey science-fiction description of the surface of Venus - murky, dark and rainy. I love Seattle during these days - it keeps the amateurs away. Smile

There's only one problem: traffic. If you can't drive in the rain, why are you driving here? I admit I hate driving in the rain; I'm on the bus. This morning, I dodged a bullet and picked the right bus to make it to work on time, but tonight it took 45 minutes to get out of downtown because of crazy traffic. Its times like these that I really love my new headphones. Not once did I hear: "I'm three feet further than the last time you called," cellphone call.

Busy again today, and I kept my assistant very busy today. Right now we are at comfortably busy, which will soon turn into swamped in a couple of weeks.

Saving log - $3 in the tip box, $7.91 in T-bill interest, $75 into savings from checking.
Spending log - $2 coffee/milk, $8 lunch of kung pao chicken. The fortune cookie? "You will be in good health for most of your life."

The big news at the gym is that the gym is being bought by a couple of partners. My trainer introduced me to one of the owners who was enthusiastic and very chatty and was happy to hear of my progress.

1 Responses to “Seattle, or Venus?”

  1. tinapbeana Says:

    "The fortune cookie? 'You will be in good health for most of your life.' "

    most of your life? the best the fortune cookie company could come up with is "most of your life". whatever happened to "you'll be showered with riches" or "love is soon to be yours"? maybe they got sued *grin*

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