Home > New hard drive

New hard drive

January 7th, 2007 at 05:56 am

DH and I went to Fry's, and I got a new hard for my laptop and a cloner/installer. (134$ w/o rebate) I'm going from 20 gigs to 80 gigs. Wish me luck - especially if you don't hear from me for a few days.

The cloner installer is quite clever. You pop the new hard drive in a clamshell piece of plastic with a bit of electronics in it and a USB port at the other end.

You then run the CD, which "clones" your old hard drive onto your new hard drive, then you extricate the new part drive from its clamshell and swap out the hard drives. If you do it right and everything works out, you keep the old hard drive in the clamshell, erase it and use the old hard drive as more storage.

Anyway, the new 80 gig hard drive comes with a rebate, making it about 70$. It has to be cheaper than getting a new laptop, and I learn a little something.

Right now I'm stymied by a stripped screw on the laptop. Tomorrow I go to a laptop repair place to get the screw out. So I'm close.

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