Home > just watching the show

just watching the show

June 10th, 2008 at 03:10 am

Saving log - $3 tip box
Spending log - $1.25 coffee + $10 lunch, snack + $10 grocery

Not much going on, had a nice quiet day.

Watched the I-5 traffic on my way to work. Still heavy, even though we've passed $4 and are gaining on $5. These days, if you can possibly save money by taking the bus, no matter how out of the way, well, why wouldn't you? And now there's the report that if you want to tool around town in a scooter you need an addendum on your license. You need more than that these days, there are still plenty of SUVs tooling around with you on the road. Frankly, I think traffic will get even nuttier before it gets better. All the sane drivers say, "holy crap, who cares who I have to sit next to? I'm saving $500!". That thins the herd a bit, but it leaves the insane drivers, the recalcitrant ones, the ones that didn't get the memo. I see a bit of a difference in parking lots, but out on the roads there is still a lot of denial out there.

Sister gave me an update. The toilet, water heater, and water softener are in at the farmette, but she and her partner stayed in Milwaukee, battling the rains and the flood. Apparently they got 4 inches, had to make sure that the gutters were clean so they could do their job, and their basement was leaking. It could be worse.

The farmette land is low, I wonder if the place got touched by the floods. Darn glad no one's farming most of it - they'd be behind. Knee high by the fourth of July is a milestone and that's only three weeks away.

2 Responses to “just watching the show”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    I would be seriously considering alternative options if I lived in town- but I live way out in the country...however, I am going to research options with the local bus routes to see if there is an alternative to driving 18 miles each way every day!!

    My boss is talking about somehow subsidising gas expenses for employees--hopefully, he will come up with a plan that can help at least some.

  2. baselle Says:

    18 miles is a problem - I think 7's bad. I wonder if you can make alliances with other businesses (other credit unions, but maybe broader) to say, rent a van. Too bad you really can't do what my dad used to do in the 70s - buy gas in bulk and store it in a tank for the farm implements and cars and what not.

    I wonder if there's a way to buy a tank of gas at the gas station for a fixed price, then have you all fill up there and use punch cards. I'm just throwing (wacky or no) ideas out here.

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