Home > the year of the frugal tourist

the year of the frugal tourist

July 10th, 2008 at 03:59 am

Saving log - $0 tip box
Spending log - $1.50 coffee + $9 lunch

The theme today is tourists. Specifically, I've been noticing a certain type of tourist... the one that squints out the bus window, then their map, trying to figure out where the ride free area ends. In past years, it didn't seem that noticeable - most of the time the tourists were just a tad frightened of the bus and would either taxi or walk. Or they weren't frightened, so what about $1.75 (last year's fare)?

2008 must be the year of the frugal tourist.

In the spirit of knowledge for all you frugal tourists out there, let me teach you a useful memmonic for the streets of Seattle: Yep, Jesus Christ Made Seattle Under Protest.

Y - Yesler
J - James/Jefferson
C - Cherry/Columbia
M - Marion/Madison
S - Spring/Seneca
U - University/Union
P - Pike/Pine

then on 1st:

Then after the 3 B's, usually I don't much care (nor should you) because you are out of the ride free area and its $2.25. Smile

2 Responses to “the year of the frugal tourist”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    Good tips for tourists!! Smile

  2. baselle Says:

    someday, boo, when you're out of debt danger...come visit.

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