Home > oy vey squared

oy vey squared

September 4th, 2008 at 02:51 am

Saving log - $2 tip box
Spending log - $11 lunch (lunch, drink, Financial Times)

Saving log - $3 tip box
Spending log - $11 lunch + $25 contribution

I'm only going to make one comment about the political campaigns: Oy, short for oy vey. You don't have to be of one particular persuasion - Oy on both sides. Fill in the blank on whatever you feel Oy about.

Think I'll declare myself Whig.

What's on my fiscal mind is that I'm in charge of a collection at work for a gift card for my bosses' baby shower. (and no, I'm not working for Sarah Palin) I volunteered to keep the collection, and contributed a bit myself already but I rarely do it so I need a bit of guidance.

1.) Do I actively advertise or do I passively collect?

2.) If I advertise, do I do so amongst those who are invited to the shower, or do I throw it out to the whole workplace?

3.) If I advertise, is it a reminder, or is it something more? Personal touch and/or email?

I have about two weeks, so there's time.

5 Responses to “oy vey squared”

  1. PauletteGoddard Says:

    Rumour has it I'll be able to participate in a fall election. We're waiting for the announcement to happen within a week. It's tiddlywinks compared to your bloodsport, but at least I'll know what ridings I should consider for relocation next year.

    Will "Juneau"---errrr, "Juno" be screened at the baby shower?

  2. baselle Says:

    Ha hah hah ... no need for Juno, everyone involved is in their 30s.

  3. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Wouldn't quite seem right to ask for donations from people not invited to the shower. I presume they know she is pregnant and if, in the sincerity of the hearts and size of their paycheck, they wish to give the boss a present, the option to give one personally always exists. Your not asking them takes any element of arm twisting out of the equation. I don't think a casual advert on a bulletin board hurts, though.

    Sure wish I could understand what Paulette is talking about. Paulette, are you going to be a US citizen?

  4. baselle Says:

    I know - Paulette, you're being mysterious. Big Grin Canada, or Japan after the wedding? Time to scour your blog with a fine toothed comb for clues.

  5. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Hey even the Juno talk is over my head.

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