Home > on the edge of stimulus

on the edge of stimulus

May 29th, 2009 at 04:33 am

Found out in the Phinneywood blog (a blog about our local neighborhood) that our street is getting a sidewalk all the way up until our block.

Our neighborhood is infamous for never getting sidewalks, despite being a part of Seattle since 1952(!), so I have to assume that this sidewalk construction initiative is one of those "shovel ready" projects in the stimulus package.

If only it reached one more block. I'm a taxpayer, too!

2 Responses to “on the edge of stimulus”

  1. HouseHopeful Says:

    That has to be frustrating! So close, yet so far. Could your block petition to be added?

  2. baselle Says:

    We'll see if they do a good job or not.

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