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What was once slow now is fast

October 9th, 2005 at 12:42 am

The executor was officially named on Sept 26. Suddenly, everyone but sister is working at warp speed to get things wrapped up. Both parcels of land will be sold, sooner rather than later. It boils down to the house and a few acres around the house. Sell it and auction the household items right away along with the land (executor position), or sell the land quickly, and leave the house for a little while (sister). I was asked whether I had the burning desire for the proceeds.

I told her no, there was no rush from me.

But I'm not sure why sister is stalling. (Like really stalling - 1-5 yr stalling). It could be that she does want the house, or that she thinks the house is worth more, or she's sentimental. She did put a lot of work into cleaning it and she just got done painting it. Selling the house to someone who will immediately tear it down despite her work is probably pretty appalling.

I'm to wrangle up the relatives who took a tour of the inside of the house and were looking around. Dad's twin sister asked for items, which I think I mostly knew about. My notes that day weren't that good - but you know, it was after the funeral, and frankly no one was saying, "I'm gonna hold my breathe and die if I don't get X." We'll see what the gang asks for. Sister will just say no. Smile like she mostly did that day. Or in her tone: NO. And there were other items in the attic we're asking around in the family about.

Put another 5$ in the tip box, but took out 1$ to go into a football pool. Sent another 40$ to the 3M drip.

Went to Costco today for the first time in months. Everything got rearranged so we were against shopping cart traffic most of the time. Picked up socks, undies, (clothes I'm leery of at the thrift store!), AAA batteries, chicken stock, cream of mushroom soup, DH's romaine and coffee, chicken tenders, and a pack of dark teal bath towels. $118. That's why I don't usually go; I can never get out with anything less than 100$.

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