Home > 2 grey tops, tweezers and coffee

2 grey tops, tweezers and coffee

September 18th, 2006 at 03:13 am

That's what I bought today - $1.75 coffee + $4.90 2 grey L tops + $21.75 tweezers. A few footnotes.

Coffee - at the weekend place, where I have a punch card and have saved up for a couple of free-bee coffees.

2 grey L tops - at the thrift store. I always go for the best feeling stuff in solid colors. Nice to be able to buy Ls, as opposed to XLs, but when I try them on with the 14s, I get the "muffin top" effect. So I'm jazzed, but I shouldn't be too jazzed because I have plenty of work to do.

Tweezers - couldn't find my favorites and my eyebrows needed shaping. Anybody got a problem with that?

3 Responses to “2 grey tops, tweezers and coffee”

  1. yummy64 Says:

    No problem with the tweezer s just a wee bit amazed at the price. I got my last pair at the dollar store. Howver as you know I need all my money to import iced tea. One makes sacrafices. I have ouchy tweezers and lots of diet green tea Smile

  2. Carolina Bound Says:

    I'll defend your tweezers! I'll bet they were Tweezerman. Once I tried those, I wouldn't get anything else. They WORK!

  3. baselle Says:

    You are correct - they are Tweezerman. And the previous ones that I can't find but now I'll be able to find because that's how lost stuff appears...those came from Tweezerman too. Smile

    But don't worry about me - a month of ice cold water instead of diet green tea will fix that bill right up.

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