Home > getting in the spirit of the thing

getting in the spirit of the thing

April 24th, 2007 at 05:58 am

Saving log - $2 tip box
Spending log - $.65 milk + $6.45 lunch (today and tomorrow) + $.75 peppermint tea

Had to admit defeat this pay period - I moved $100 from the brick and mortar savings account back to checking. I'll try to tighten things up, then move the leftover money back.

Bought the footlong sandwich which I will eat tomorrow. The resume and cover letter that I needed to submit to apply for the promotion I finished up this morning, with a chiropractor break in the middle.

I'm getting more and more excited about my trip. Anticipation, just like anything else, has to be timed just right. You want to be at the peak of anticipation just before you go, not a few weeks before. Right now its remembering to hold the mail, call the bank so they won't hold my money, call the executors, donate my newspaper subscription, get some euros so I won't have to find spare coins at Charles De Gaulle airport. There is a Travelex in Seattle for that. The rates are $5.95 flat or 1%, which ever is greater. So $600 is the break point.

The image is from last Friday night while I was waiting for the bus. Not quite Paris, but Paris in spirit.

1 Responses to “getting in the spirit of the thing”

  1. fairy74 Says:

    Your Paris trip sounds exciting....I used to work about 3 blocks from where you took this picture, you are making me all nostalgic (I can even see the wild yellow/purple Metro bus in the background)....Must go visit hometown again soon...thanks for sharing the pic! Smile

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