Home > perfect day, actually

perfect day, actually

February 22nd, 2012 at 02:06 am

I've been sick since Friday, when I first felt that tickle in the throat. I canceled gym on friday, and, the same as the time before, the gym failed to get the message to the trainer. Sigh. Note to self: forget the main phone line for the gym, use the trainer instead.

I got everything that I wanted done that day, though, including pulling three large data sets due to be formatted and booked onto a little flash drive.

Saturday I was a little worse, but not that bad. Sunday a little worse yet. It was Monday that I really bottomed out - didn't do anything except sleep. Today I was a little better but probably pretty contagious and still not even 70%.

So today was actually perfect. I worked out my three data sets from bed, with a little moral support from kitty. No distractions, got the formatting done, and will book them when I come back.

I felt energized enough to walk to a pho place in the neighborhood for a bowl of pho ... my favorite thing for a cold or flu.

2 Responses to “perfect day, actually”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    I have had a bug too...started in the wee hours of Friday with a nasty sore throat..unfortunately, mine is still on the downward swing because of asthma. ugh. Glad you had the perfect day Baselle and that youre on the mend!

  2. PauletteGoddard Says:

    What a trouper to manage data sets! My fave remedy for cold or flu is hot honey ginger lemon drink.

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