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Back to the present

August 10th, 2005 at 05:18 am

Ugh, the credit line on the credit card bill is well over $600. Most of it from last week, but Sunday it was DHs birthday and we went out for dinner. Pay the card all next month or spread it out over several months? Decisions, decisions... I just hate to spend down my emergency fund (why? it was a real emergency!), so I'm gonna do the unprudent, non-perfect saver thing and revolve the credit a bit.

Pored over the mail. A utility bill from my landlord was calculated wrong, it claiming that according to the lease we would pay 70% instead of 50%. DH was unnerved and was going to pay it, but its easy to fix by a polite email...blink, blink, write innocent. Why was it 70% this time and 50% last time? Did we miss a notification? We got back a whoops, we were wrong its 50%. Letter writing and arguing an economic case was always a talent of mine. The IRS red-flagged me once in grad school and I managed to get the IRS to back down. Its a gift.

Sister emailed me to tell me she and a cousin found several EE savings bonds in our name from 1991. Hah! As usual, finding money. Her gift. Plugged the issue date and amount in my savings bond wizard and got a very pleasant surprise. I'm surprised on another level - gramps was always pro-business, anti-government, no taxes kind of guy. It'd be like me buying Enron stock or something.

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