Home > Wheels were turning

Wheels were turning

August 18th, 2005 at 04:57 am

Not much on the economic front. ING hiked up its interest rate, which works out to be a 0.01 more in interest/day. I talked with a woman who took me up on the ING invite. She noticed the increase in interest and was thinking on signing up her kids for ING savings accounts. I told her she should send them invites, because then she gets $10/each. She smiled and nodded. The wheels were turning and it was good to see.

Moved $450 of this paycheck into my bank savings account (the bank I have my checking account in). In about a week, the money in this savings account will go to buy an I-bond from Treasury Direct. Most my accounts are nested, like a series of buckets with controlled, budgeted leaks leaking into other buckets with higher interest rates. As long as I fill the inner bucket with my paycheck I'm all right. Just have to figure out when enough is enough. Smile

Heard good work gossip at lunch, so lunch was a bit expensive. But you have to pay to play sometimes. Smile

Spending log:
coffee - 1.65 (all change) + lunch - $11

Saving log:
Tip box - $2.

1 Responses to “Wheels were turning”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    I think you have the wittiest journal entries. They're a lot of fun. 5 stars. Wink

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