Home > Handholding


October 14th, 2005 at 04:09 am

In the last few days:

So sister made her wishes more public to have the house, barn, and a few acres around it, and to put the kibosh on the family to get items. I'm shaking my head here - why beg me to "hurry up with that email to the family asking them about the items they were interested in..."? I put a lot of energy into writing that email. I wanted to be clear, precise and succinct. It wasn't shoveling a few IM shortcuts together Smile This jerking around made me look like a fool. Maybe that was the plan to force the issue. Of course with me in Seattle and all the other players in Wisconsin, the midwest, and the east coast my thoughts are expendable.

Sigh. When I get conspiracy thoughts I know I need some serious handholding. I forwarded sister's email to my lawyer co worker and we had a lunch and an informal (non-billable) chat. This is what I got:

a.) According to the will, I inherit equally with my sister.
b.) Nothing can happen without my agreement.
c.) I can simply "cash out" my half - in other words, take my half in cash. Sister gets a lot less cash and the grounds and house. To the executor and the lawyer, that is a very easy transaction.
d.) Sister's changes of mind and of heart are very common. She might well change her mind several times throughout this process.
e.) You will never persuade sister or get her to see your viewpoint. Lawyer friend role-played with me as a joke. Sample -
Me: Fine by me that you get the house.
Him (as sister): why do you hate us and want to torch the place and don't you have at least one good memory of the farm?
Me: Okay, I don't want to torch the place. What if I want the house?
Him (as sister): what, you're trying to screw me over, you don't think I can own and keep up this house by myself?

In other words, [O]K...yes, dear was the right response. I'm to keep saying it. Often.

In other news, the electric bill came in. $68.06. (Summer rates, and Seattle comes pre-airconditioned) I budgeted $70. Yes! Added $8 in the last couple of days to my tip box. I get paid tomorrow. It'll be interesting to see what my job evaulation has earned me.

2 Responses to “Handholding”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    You poor thing! Friends of mine have been executors on 3 estates and said it was hell frozen over. Everything that could never imaginally happen did happen and there were pigs flying everywhere. Seemed that everyone also thought that they were entitled to huge chunks of money even though there weren't huge chunks of money, etc., etc. Good luck!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Thanks. You know that's the other thing about saving money. You're building your own resources so you don't look at the inheritance as a financial lifeline.

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