Home > no matches, just baggage

no matches, just baggage

November 29th, 2005 at 04:41 am

Mom's retirement benefit, that mysterious Employee Trust Fund, came in a lump sum today. $137.39. Mom didn't believe much in 403(B)s, I guess, and they must not have matched. Its also taxable, so it came with a Form 1099-R. Round and round into the ING account it goes and what it interest collects, nobody knows.

Bought my November I-bond - $500.

Boarded a tiny bus for the commute this morning. We got a young woman (5 yrs out of being a girl) who clearly didn't know bus rules. Came on a commuter transit bus with not one, but two full large suitcases. (Must've been one hell of a weekend). There were no seats, so she parked the baggage right next to the bus driver, partially blocking the entrance, and sat on top of them. Sigh.

Why the driver didn't force her back is anyone's guess. The bus was too packed to yell something clever (who would hear me?), so I just tried to transmit a telepathic signal. A big clean taxi, a friendly taxi driver who is paid and is happy to take on a pretty customer, driving to the airport in comfort and quiet, no one kicking your suitcases. Maybe the subliminal signal will help her think again the next time.


Spending log - $1.65 coffee + $6.00 lunch
Saving log - $137.39 + $500 I-bond

2 Responses to “no matches, just baggage”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Hey baselle -
    I can understand - being on a packed bus and all... maybe there was more to her luggage, though. I type this a little guiltily, but while living overseas, I often brought large traveling items on the bus with me. Granted, I probably didn't have two LARGE suitcases, but I did it nevertheless. Also, perhaps the girl couldn't afford a taxi... or she was just trying to save some cash. Here it costs $25 for a cab from our house to the airport - ouch!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    True - it is about $40 for a taxi to the airport here. I guess that's why I went the subliminal route.

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