Home > Two good shopping trips

Two good shopping trips

September 5th, 2006 at 12:14 am

Trip 1: to get an emergency nice outfit in case I have to go out on the road with the fundraising staff for the non-profit that I work at. The mission is to look nice, but not too nice. You don't want people to assume that their gift goes to your favorite boutique, and besides, this blog is part of Saving Advice, not spending advice.

So it was Ross Dress for Less, where I got a wonderful surprise. I am 2, count 'em 2, sizes down. I'm now a 14, instead of an 18. Freakin' Woo hoo! Smile Got a brown suit and a pair of nice black pants = $38.06.

Trip 2: Best Buy. More of a treat, but it will be used a lot. Got an FM transmitter that plugs into the cigarette lighter of the cushmobile, and it broadcasts what's on your MP3 player on an unused FM band. Not fancy, but it'll work with either mine or DH's MP3 player. Set it up and it did what it advertised. Best of all, you can unplug it and take it with you or hide it from prying, thieving eyes = $54.39.

Used a 2 for 1 coffee coupon at a local coffeeshop - coffee for DH and myself = $2.00.

5 Responses to “Two good shopping trips”

  1. Dido Says:

    Congrats on the size decrease--that's wonderful!

    I'm filing the info about the FM-transmitter for when I finally get myself an MP3 player later this year....good to know about.

  2. lrjohnson Says:

    Wow! You've left Women's World and walked into Misses! That opens up a whole new world of clothing opportunities! Sweet!

  3. baselle Says:

    Dido - I'll let you know how the FM thingee works out. One thing's for certain - its a lot easier to carry a high capacity MP3 player than a stack of CDs.

    lrjohnson - I know! People don't really understand how even changing from an XL to an L makes a big difference in the number of clothing choices and shop choices you have.

  4. LuckyRobin Says:

    Sounds like all your exercise has paid off!

  5. ima saver Says:

    Good for you!!!!!

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