Home > Helper


October 3rd, 2006 at 03:42 am

Sunday: went to the Greek Festival for a hit and run. Didn't sense that DH was in the spirit of the thing, so I went alone. Bought a 2$ raffle to go to Lost Wages (Vegas), olive oil, feta cheese, olives, taramosalata, braided butter cookies = 42$ (mostly due to the olive oil).

At the grocery store, found a very good unadvertised deal on lamb neck @ 1.49$/lb. Lamb stew!

Monday: Put 4$ in the tip box.

Now that I've gotten busier, I have an assistant. New and exciting and scary because I'm a serious control freak and find it difficult to delegate...not to mention as a practical matter that with the buses, I'm finding it very hard to get to work before 8:30am to supervise. It was her first day and we got her up and running and trained a bit. Tomorrow I'll put her to some of her basic tasks.

She generally brings her lunch, but didn't today because she wasn't sure of the facilities we had and the lunch rules. Bought her first lunch along with mine - 23$. There's frugal, and then there's nice.

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