Home > mmm, that's good bass

mmm, that's good bass

October 27th, 2006 at 06:29 am

If you laughed, that dates you!

Got the new headphones in the mail tonight. Okay, they are only 3X more expensive than ear clips and ear buds that I've cheaped out on, but they sound many times better, they fold up with a little bag, they deaden other sounds (not so good when I'm playing in traffic), they won't fall off my head and are they're more comfy.

And the bass is fantastic. At least from a woman's amateur perspective. Smile

Spent again the usual 2$ on coffee and nofat milk, 7$ on bibimbap (I sprung for an egg on top for an extra 1$).

Got weighted and measured at the gym. Didn't lose any weight, so at 193. I'm at the back end of my cycle, so not gaining is a win, if you know what I mean. I did lose a bit more on the inches.

We totalled the inches from all body parts since November. I now have two waist measurements - the narrowest part (I have an empress waist) and at my belly button - so depending on which waist measurement you take, I've either lost an amazing 16 inches or a freaking amazing 18.5 inches.

I'm going for density. I'm going to be the densest woman I know. Smile

Finally, a little more about the real me. I'm not really a professional poet, but I did manage to sell a few here, here and here. I threw the links out because the sentences underneath the poems are accurate, so you can get a bit of info about me on the sly. Sister, in addition to holding down the farm, does pottery, photography, and makes soap in Milwaukee. Another fun fact: we don't look alike or act alike or handle money alike (clearly) but we do sound alike. Exactly alike. Freakishly alike in tone, timber, and accent. Like a right and left speaker.

Back to finances next time.

3 Responses to “mmm, that's good bass”

  1. tinapbeana Says:

    baselle, here's the question: did you buy the bass-o-matic *and* the bag 'o' glass, or just the bass-o-matic? Big Grin
    my sister & i not only sound alike, we sound like our mom, aunt, and second cousin. answering the phone during family reunion time is way to much fun!

  2. LuxLiving Says:

    Congrats on the publication!!

    Gotta ask - what's bibimbap??

  3. kashi Says:

    Love the poetry! The cat one - darling. Have you made up any financial ones? Wink
    I was thinking about you and your new headphones this morning while I sat on the bus, struggling with a mass of tangled wires. I'm thinking retractable headphones. It's pretty bad when the lump of wires takes up more room than the teeny tiny mp3 player!

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