Home > real inspiration

real inspiration

October 31st, 2006 at 05:25 am

Every so often, I read the Millionaires in the Making column on CNN, and I've glanced at the pfblog to see how he's doing.

At first glance, they both depress the hell out of me. Nothing against them, but saving a ton of money when you make a ton of money ain't that hard. I mean the worst problem is the I-make-a-ton-therefore-I'm-brilliant and-I-deserve-it spending that you would have to quell. But really now, saving 25% on a combined salary of 145K still leaves a combined salary of 108K.

Yeah, I think I can live and save on that.

I'd be more impressed if they lived and saved on a combined salary of 60K, which is what DH and I make. And I have saved about 30% of my take home salary. (Not this last year - gym ate that, its about 12%.)

Every so often The Motley Fool trots out an update on their Ordinary People, Extraordinary Wealth column, which usually cheers me up. It just means that I'm going to have to live for a long time. I throw the link out to cheer whomever needs the cheer.

This morning the bus passed by a dark, closed up node of Scottrade, downtown on 3rd & Union. Wonder what happened there?

The gym has come through. The Halloween costume will be spectacularly good.

Counted a lot of money and pledges today at a company. Tomorrow our department has work!

8 Responses to “real inspiration”

  1. englishrose Says:

    Thanks Baselle, enjoyed the Motley Fool article! Needed inspiring today. Seems however determined I am to save, something unexpected comes up that needs paying. 2007 will be different I hope.

  2. LuxLiving Says:

    The Hubster and I were just talking about this. My mother goes on and ON ...AND ON!!!! about how well my stepsister is doing w/her finances.

    YEAH WELL she and her husband combined make a gazillion dollars, have no kids, etc. Just once I'd like to be acknowledged for the lifestyle we have managed w/5 kids on the few dollars we bring in. Just once! I am an extremely good manager of the money we have and it'd be nice to have an atta girl every now and agin' from one's own mother. Sheesh!!!

    As I told him it seems like I mean it as sour grapes but really I don't begrudge them what they have - it's just what is 'doing well' w/ones finances if one earns huge dollars?????? You were able to save two thousand this month. GREAT. I really am tickled for them. What percentage is that of your income is what I'd like to ask. I manage to eak out 15-20% savings on a piddly salary depending on the month's circumstances. She might do 6-8%. Her doing well would be feeding & clothing this crew on the miniscule amount of money that we have to do it with.

    I just hate getting that crap slapped in my face CONSTANTLY. I just want to say, "MOTHER get a CLUE!!" But, I'm a nice girl and I don't. But one of these days somebody's gonna slip and push me right over that edge!

  3. Broken Arrow Says:

    Yes, yes! I noticed that too. Of course it isn't as difficult when you make six figures each! To me that isn't extraordinary. Extraordinary is when people build the same level of wealth with ordinary incomes.

  4. tinapbeana Says:

    *ducks head as Lux prepares to go "Budgetary" on her mother*

    i agree that the percentage is really an important aspect that gets highly over-rated. i think even some savers don't notice it; they think "i'm only saving $1000 per month" rather than "wow, i'm already saving 30%?!?!?"

    almost like the jonses in reverse *grin* "You save 30%? Oh, how quaint. Well, you know, DH and I decided to have the power cut off and traded in the Bently for a Yugo, and now we're up to 50%. I remember when we only saved 30%: we were so young!" heheheheee!

  5. kashi Says:

    Those Millionaires in the Making make me sick. I only read it when I want to feel depressed!

  6. baselle Says:

    Lux Living - gosh, that's weird. I would have thought that your mother, like every other mother in the world, would be bitching to your stepsister on how they are childless. Smile In case she doesn't, I will: Atta girl!!

    tinapbeana - us frugalites have the joneses competitiveness in reverse already. Its called the no-spend-day. How many do you have? I have approximately two. I think I was sick both times. Smile And I love the percent. That's always been one of my best tricks.

  7. tinapbeana Says:

    no spend days... well, um, is it just me, or do i have to count DH too? cause if i have to count DH, well then i'm just going to take my ball and go home! *grin*

  8. retire@50 Says:

    I totally agree. What is even more depressing for me though is people who make a lot and don't save at all like my sister and BIL who make 150K+ and think a $1000 emergency fund is a lot. No money saved for kids college. Totally different mind-set. They seem to think they will have good paying jobs forever, but he's in construction and his body is wearing out and she's in tech marketing, so just one layoff away from having nothing.

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