Home > remember, remember

remember, remember

November 5th, 2006 at 11:56 pm

...the 5th of November. Today seemed like an excellent time to pay off a library fine. (Guy Fawkes got into big trouble with the establishment, and so did I! Smile )

DH promised to return my items, but one CD slipped out of the bag and down behind the car seat. My library fine was $3.30!

And DH wonders why I don't usually trust him to run my errands. Smile

6 Responses to “remember, remember”

  1. Amber Says:

    since school has started back up I have been hit hard with library fines...I just have no time at all lately

  2. tinapbeana Says:

    i think of library fines as my little way of helping them stay afloat! *g*

  3. janh Says:

    If I keep on having to pay fines, I'm going to need a line in the budget for them! I do this all the time....

  4. contrary1 Says:

    I must live out in the sticks far enough........but, my library doesn't charge fines. I get a computer call saying I have something overdue, but no fine. I still try to stay current, but there is usually something that is in an odd place & misses the weekly run to the library. Just grateful I don't have to pay for the misplaced items!

  5. PRICEPLUS Says:

    I am very careful to return stuff on time! I hate paying library fines it sort of defeats the purpose of using the library in the first place!Smile

  6. LdyFaile Says:

    Fortunately my library system emails me when it gets close to the due date if I haven't returned the item yet and I can renew it online so long as no one else has a hold on it. Even if it was overdue at some point, once you renew it it freezes the fine amount until the item is due again.

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