Home > Mr. Whipple, Agent of the Apocalypse

Mr. Whipple, Agent of the Apocalypse

July 10th, 2007 at 04:36 am

...well, the license plate on the car he would drive. Wouldn't work as a getaway car.

3 Responses to “Mr. Whipple, Agent of the Apocalypse”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    Isn't he the guy that didn't want you to squeeze the Charmin? Always thought he was evil. Big Grin

  2. pjmama Says:


  3. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    A local college used to have signs at the entrance to their parking lots indicating that you must have a Permit 666 in order to park there. I thought it was kind of culturally insensitive.

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