Saving log - $4 tip box
Spending log - $1.84 coffee, milk + $7 lunch
Last week sister sent a packet of stuff - the application for our joint bank account (in Wisconsin), the estimate for the solar panels and site evaluation, estimate for redoing parts of the foundation and the milkhouse, pictures of the damage. It arrived yesterday.
Faxed to the Wisconsin bank my information. I'll call to make sure everything's okay, then put in my half in a couple of days.
Also got a call at work from the Wisconsin DNR agent. Turns out that the last tiny hurdle to closing the sale on the second property was that a thin strip of our property next to the road was zoned R1 (residential) and it should be all zoned A (agricultural) for the sale to go through. Since sister and I now own the property, not the estate, we as heirs have to sign off on it. Nowadays we can do it by email.
picking up where the executors left off
July 26th, 2007 at 04:53 am