Home > Mrs. Murphy

Mrs. Murphy

August 5th, 2007 at 02:22 am

This is probably a TMI post, a bit on the level of showing a pic of underwear strung in a hotel bathroom...

I'll give those who want to bail out now the ability to do so.


Pardon the coyness here. My subject line refers to Murphy's Law, and that during a certain time of life Mrs. Murphy confronted Murphy's Law every month. Matter of fact, Mrs. Murphy had a corollary: let your 15 yr old daughter use her own money to buy that pair of white pants.

Well, I missed my period this month. When you are 45 there are two big reasons for missing it and so a couple of days ago I picked up a couple of fine Western blot stick tests to do a little self pre-diagnosis.

To keep this financial and to be a little comic about the whole thing, it turns out that the pregnancy stick test costs $8, while the menopause stick test costs $6.50 ($13 for 2). Already with the senior discounts! Big Grin

Nix on the pregnancy; probable yes on the menopause. It would appear that I've gone from pre- to peri-, and while it's useful - now I know why the summer nights seem just a tad warmer to me - its just a little disorienting. An occurrence that I planned for (and yet still surprised me sometimes) and marked time with for over 30 years is slowly going away.

But I'm not going to miss the expense of it - those downtown sundries stores for the girly emergencies are a total ripoff! Now where was that craft page...?

7 Responses to “Mrs. Murphy”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    Hehe, well, it may seem TMI, but even I can see how very, very important it is to know which of the two possibilities this is causing this. Smile So, no worries.

  2. pearlieq Says:

    LOL! I had a friend who had that very same question, only her other stick turned pink and suddenly she was potty training the baby while teaching the eldest to drive!

  3. Carolina Bound Says:

    Believe me, the hot flashes are a good trade for visits from Aunt Flo.

  4. Amber Says:

    Menopause stick test? I never heard of them. I am 33 and know I am not pregnant because the river has been dry for some time now, but I get these hot flashes I wonder if I am starting my menopausal stages. Thanks for the tip on the stick

  5. scfr Says:

    They sell menopause sticks? I had no idea. I may have to get one of those!

  6. Dido Says:

    Ditto on never having heard of the menopause stick before--since I turn 47 in about 3 weeks, it's time to look into that!

  7. baselle Says:

    I got mine at Walgreens. But be careful. Western blots test whether a protein is there or not so they are great for yes/no answers - in pregnancy, one important protein is always produced and rarely produced when you aren't pregnant - but are tricky & not so great when you are trying to interpret the levels of a protein. The menopause test tests for the level of a protein, which means you have to test a couple of times and its really not going to give you a definitive answer. Just the scientist in me asking you to take the results with a grain of salt.

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