Home > Another MOMA

Another MOMA

August 27th, 2007 at 01:53 am

It came to me this afternoon as I was walking to the bus.

Enjoy what you already have.

Very simple - since you already have it, why spend on the new, improved version. We all might not be the "use it up completely" types, but even if folks actually used everything they bought we would not waste and toss out perfectly useful items.

4 Responses to “Another MOMA”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    I agree! And in keeping, think long and hard before you purchase, so the pleasure you get from something will last till the end, not be tossed out of changing our mind.

  2. maismom Says:

    This is so true. I know it sounds strange but it is often easier to buy new stuff rather than take care of what I have. I tried to think twoice when I buy something, thougn.

  3. fern Says:

    i try to make this very simple concept one of the core values of my life.

  4. Aleta Says:

    I even apply that to the food. Why go out and buy something when you probably already have a decent meal in the fridge. I'm realllllly trying to eat what I have and not waster. But, you're right, enjoy abd appreciate what you already have. So many miss that because they're already chasing the next rabbit.

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