Home > it could be worse

it could be worse

August 27th, 2007 at 01:29 am

We were going to go Saturday to lawyer friend's house on the coast of Washington (Hoquiam, to be exact) to paint and barbeque and get a change of scenery.

Unfortunately, we met up with a traffic jam to Fife, Washington (outside of Tacoma). A rollover accident causing 7 car pileup happened about 30 minutes before, blocking all the lanes. The State Patrol opened up the turnout, and we turned around and went back to Seattle.

On the way, we called lawyer friend, who got the whole story from someone else's call. Paint and barbeque canceled.

It was pretty disappointing, but it could have been worse. We got a late start, so the rollover definitely could have been on us had we gotten 30 minute earlier start.

1 Responses to “it could be worse”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    I always find it spooky when I should have been there when the accident happened but for some reason I got delayed. Glad you and your husband weren't in it.

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