Home > sister asking for farmette money

sister asking for farmette money

September 8th, 2007 at 11:27 pm

Not personally, but again for paying the bills and projects on the farmette. I've transferred $5950, which sounds like a weird number, but it really means that I've transferred a total of 20K to farmette projects. The solar panel, trenching (bury the copper), upgrading the electrical to the house and to the power grid - important especially if the panels provide a surplus of power to sell back to the electric company.

All in six months!

I would prefer to keep it to 20K/year level. I'm feeling stressed and fearful about it because I don't want to feel cheap, but I don't want to feel like the money is going down a rathole. I know all of this is important to keep the place up enough to be worth "buying me out", but I want to see plans, pictures, and experience more about what is going on, and I worry that sister's being taken a bit. Or is she?

1 Responses to “sister asking for farmette money”

  1. cammychan Says:

    Thank you for commenting! It's great that you have an environmental power grid of your own, and along that some profit! *pat pat* I'm sure you'll work out your problems =]

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