Saving log - $0 tip box
Spending log - $1.19 coffee + $8 lunch + $17 groceries
Went to my 403B administrator in HR to get the form to change my 403B withholding.
"You're early," she said.
"But its for a change of April 1," I said...
Usually HR canvasses for changes the week before, I guess. I tried to explain why I was changing it and that it will look weird, but she would have none of it...she didn't want to know. Filled out the form, so I pulled the trigger. It puts my take home pay at what I was at 4 years ago; it'll be something to get used to.
And I have to remember to back it down for next year.
Picked up some plums and apples for $1.48/lb/each, received grapefruit from Harry & David. We are awash in fruit.
pulled the trigger
March 13th, 2008 at 04:06 am