Saving log - $12 tip box
Spending log - $1.19 coffee + $7 lunch + $9 groceries
Put 12 in the tip box because I hadn't in awhile. One of the other things that shook out with the 403B decision is that I have almost 190 hrs of paid time off (PTO). Time to get out of my workaholic self and schedule a week.
Found 11 cents on the sidewalk by the gas station ... always good hunting grounds.
Day didn't turn out half bad, even though I forgot my bus pass and both the morning bus and the afternoon bus were more full than I've remembered ... even with the fare increase. $3.50/ gallon gas and pouring rain tends to fill up a bus fast.
When a bus is stuffed to the gills you really notice the crap everyone lugs around. Ever really use all the stuff you lug around? After I got my degree and was packing up for my postdoc, I pulled papers out of my bag - the one I lugged around daily for 5-6 years. There were scientific papers that I might have read once, but then lugged around in my bag for years. What a waste.
People carry stuff to put on appearances. Look how busy I am. Look how prepared I am. You're pushing paper, emails, computer files. A cellphone, a wallet, an iPod, a PDA/blackberry thingee, keys, your lunch maybe. Need a huge backpack or tote bag for that, whapping everyone in the aisle seats as you go? I know that with my little neoprene purse I look somehow less productive, less busy. I'll still have my shoulders.
the crap we carry
March 14th, 2008 at 04:00 am
March 14th, 2008 at 04:05 am 1205467509
I carry very little most of the time, not even a purse. I generally carry a tiny little change purse that has a little opening on the side for my license and my Employee ID card. I also carry my cell phone in another pocket and keys if I drove. That's about it. I travel lightly and hey, I'll have shoulders, too!
March 14th, 2008 at 01:57 pm 1205503033
March 14th, 2008 at 11:27 pm 1205537236
March 15th, 2008 at 03:38 am 1205552328