When I woke up this morning, I had a thought.
I've increased my 403B withholding up, near the limit of $15.5K. I did this to counter-balance the gains in my taxable accounts. (2007, I paid a bit of tax because of dividends, interest income, and capital gains).
Well, unless there is going to be a freak stock market rise, I'm not going to have a ton of gains for 2008. No gains to pay tax on and a big 403B increase in withholding means that I might be looking at a big refund.
Maybe I can treat this paper refund strategically. For 2005 and 2006, I put 5K in a traditional IRA. I'm thinking it might be better to convert these IRAs into Roths and balance the taxes on that against my refund.
Time to do a bit more research. I know I have to do this by the end of December.
roth conversion thoughts
September 1st, 2008 at 02:50 am
September 1st, 2008 at 04:40 am 1220240401
If you are in a low tax bracket now and think you will be in a higher one when you retire then it's better to pay the taxes now. I knew I would be in a lower tax bracket when I retired so I always maxed out the tax deferred options until they weren't options anymore and then I did the Roth IRA and then pre-paid my mortgage or invested in after tax funds with any other money.
September 1st, 2008 at 04:03 pm 1220281429
Of course, since you are Baselle, I'm sure you knew all of this already. All else being equal, yeah, I think time like these are better to convert than perhaps later in that you can get more per NAVs or shares converted than otherwise.