Home > Flu Shot

Flu Shot

October 15th, 2008 at 04:42 am

Saving log - $3 tip box
Spending log - $8 lunch + $4 grapes and apple

Today I got my *free* flu shot. I'd have to look but I swear that it was early by a couple of weeks.

I mentioned that I was getting the shot in our staff meeting (minus our director, who is now out on leave), and I got a couple of hoots. Why are you getting the shot? Don't you know that either (a) not going to work, or (b) you will get the flu?

Pardon my french but that's chicken s%^t. I rarely get sick. I get the shot, I wash my hands very regularly. I usually have to call in for a day or two for a "mental health" day. My PTO is up to 200 hours ... which I have to prune. Everyone else? Aaaak aaaak, I can't make it.

Please. Time to start taking names and teasing when the inevitable happens in February.

In other health news, I signed up for the new health insurance plan.

4 Responses to “Flu Shot”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    I get the flu shot every year. I still sometimes get the flu but when everyone else gets the case from hades, I get a milder one or a different strain. When I don't get the shot, I DO get the case from hades. *sighs* Wish there was no flu. Which reminds me, I need to call my doctor about getting it.

  2. dmontngrey Says:

    I always get it "just in case". Everyone around here is so germ infested!!!!!

  3. fern Says:

    This is the first time i ever got a flu shot. I got it, mainly becus it was offered free by my employer. I've seen ads in the paper by the local VNA and senior center and they were charging $35 for it!

    Colds are AALREADY making the rounds in my office and i DONT appreciate having to be exposed to others sickness.

  4. dmontngrey Says:

    Yeah, too bad we can't do anything about colds. I was practically knocked out all last week (Saturday - Friday) thanks to a cold from a coworker! My philosophy is: If I got it there, I take it back there to SHARE!

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