Saving log - $3 tip box
Spending log - $9 lunch
Ah memories - on 60 Minutes, when Michelle Obama talked about Barack Obama's first apartment in Chicago near
The apartment itself was a dive, but it had three distinct advantages.
1. You didn't have to give directions. All one said was, "across from Harold's Chicken". None of this counting blocks or figuring the cross street. You either knew it or you were a Martian. Such a timesaver.
2. Dead of winter - and there were a few weekends when it was -80F with the windchill - a hot meal was across the street.
3. You could look down at a lovely colored neon sign (a cook with a cleaver going after a chicken) whenever you liked.
The Harold's Chicken that I knew was strictly take-out. No tables, no chairs. You walked in, pop machine was on your left, you turned right, walked past the nasty fake wood paneling, and past the handwritten cardboard sign of the rules:
Zen poetry in disguise.
You ordered through a microphone, put your money under the clear bullet-proof slot. You waited for your chicken (they fried it to order), and when it was done (with enough Frank's Hot Sauce to drown it) the cashier put it through a bullet proof carousel.
Prices? In 1984 I think it was $2.75 for a white half, $2.50 for a dark half. It made my weekend budget go. I ate there so often that the cashiers would complement me on my haircuts. Oh yes, I liked the soggy fries, but I didn't like the wonder bread. Giving away the wonder bread primed me for a life in non-profit service.

There you have it: a Chicago institution.
Even have their own blog -
November 18th, 2008 at 01:08 pm 1227013724
November 18th, 2008 at 06:12 pm 1227031979