Home > food for fun and profit

food for fun and profit

March 31st, 2009 at 04:53 am

Saving log - $3 tip box
Spending log - $22 groceries

I've decided to invest in another DRP - Sysco (SYY). Food distribution is not a terribly sexy company, but you've got to eat, and generally these days, if you are eating out, its probably low-ish end. And when you do eat in a restaurant, you've got to have the plate to eat off of, the cutlery to attack it with, and the plastic wrap to store it. SYY has a reasonable dividend, and even raised it last year. And while they are not traditionally green, there are trying out some green initiatives. The big issue is that this DRP has relatively high fees - high in proportion if you want to put in small amounts, not so high if you put in larger ones. I signed up with Temper to get a share. It will take about 6 weeks to set everything up with the transfer agent.

Food is definitely on my mind. Now that the recycling has changed, the plastic bin for glass isn't necessary. Reading about where to donate the plastic bins led me to the

Text is Community Fruit Tree Harvest and Link is
Community Fruit Tree Harvest. Donating fruit and cataloging fruit trees is exactly what I'm interesting in doing. Now to see if they will take me along with our plastic bins.

2 Responses to “food for fun and profit”

  1. Petunia Says:

    Yes, you have to eat. . . I have thought that many times as I plot my next "career" move. I had never heard of the fruit tree harvest group. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Broken Arrow Says:

    I like it! Buffett made his fortune on the not-so-terribly-sexy stuff. I rather put my money into what works, not what's sexy.

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