Home > baby carrots and beets

baby carrots and beets

April 28th, 2009 at 03:23 am

Saving log - $2 tip box
Spending log - $2 cottage cheese

I got home tonight - my mail contained a $1.96 check from Ameriprise, closing my account. All of gramma's trust money is in my accounts. Consolidation at last. One less set of passwords to remember.

The container garden is smartly moving along. I see little baby carrot seedlings in my orange pot. (Purple ones, hopefully not hairy). Yesterday I looked in a different pot that DH planted and I saw baby beet seedlings.

Talked to sister about vacation plans. DH and I (along with Morgan) are planning a road trip to Wisconsin to visit the farmette. June 1 - June 15. Apparently many of the hotel chains along the way are pet friendly. No doubt it will be a busman's holiday - I'm sure that we will be put to work planting a few things in the 7 acres.

5 Responses to “baby carrots and beets”

  1. boomeyers Says:

    Nothing like a "working holiday". At least, essentially, you are working for yourself! Smile

  2. my english castle Says:

    Wave when you get to Wisconsin!

  3. SMB Says:

    Baselle, do you ever shop at the Grocery Outlet on ~130th and Aurora? I've started going there--it can be depressing at times, but I've found some good deals.

    I heard the Crown Hill Bistro nee Library Cafe had a rummage sale last weekend. Sigh...

  4. baselle Says:

    I walked past the Library Cafe and saw the stuff near the window. Nice that whomever got a few last bucks out of it.

    I've toyed with going to the Grocery Outlet (near Ross) just to see. DJ friend shopped there for awhile. I tipped him off to going to Lenny's Produce and he told me that Lenny's was better. What kind of deals have you found there?

  5. SMB Says:

    Well, I suppose the best deals I get are on things that uber-frugal folks wouldn't buy anyway--Amy's frozen dinners, cold cereals, Fiber One bars, etc. But, I've also bought bread and canned organic tomatoes there, and some personal items (shampoos, lotions, etc.) for a lot cheaper than I can get them at the store. Oh! And paper goods, too, I often get there when I can't get to Costco.

    I actually have NOT bought produce or meat there, though a coworker does and she says that it's just fine. I still need to try Lenny's.

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