Home > duck very soon

duck very soon

September 24th, 2009 at 03:41 am

Saving log - $5 tip box
Spending log - $1.75 coffee + $3 office supplies + $9 groceries
Found money - $0.03 (sidewalk three different places) + $0.20 (under Coinstar machine)

The barter for the duck and the fish is beginning - in package units, to trade we have 10 ground beef, 4 soup bone, 2 t-bone, 1 back rib, 1 chuck, 2 sirloin, 1 flank, and multiple links of german sausage. We've reserved a few pieces for ourselves.

The Duvall friends, the other end of the muscovy duck trade, are going to be sending at least 8 of their ducks to "freezer camp" (euphemism theirs) starting this weekend. They're thinking about the chuck, sirloin, and t-bone, so I weigh my pieces, they weigh their cleaned duck carcasses, and we pound for pound trade.

Got the results of my mammogram back: normal.

Not much else - discovered that the Coinstar machine can be a rich source of change. Not surprising - easy to imagine a bit of change dropping out of the bin, and if you are doing this with the iPod on, you wouldn't hear the ching.

This weekend is the Greek festival, I saved to stock up on olive oil, feta, tarama, olives, and maybe a bit of wine. Saturday is also national

Text is free museum day and Link is
free museum day, sponsored by the Smithsonian. Tough choice.

3 Responses to “duck very soon”

  1. LuxLiving Says:

    Do it all!!

    Good idea on the coinstar machine. I never see them around here. Our banks still willing to count our coins for nothing.

  2. fern Says:

    Freezer camp! oh ha ha ha ha.

  3. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Good to hear normal results. Smile

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