Home > Umpqua is eating another WA bank

Umpqua is eating another WA bank

February 27th, 2010 at 03:21 am

Saving log - $3 tip box
Spending log - $1.75 coffee
Found money - $0.01 (gravel 2 blocks from my house)

Payday! Hard to believe its nearly March!

Couldn't resist taking a peek at the FDIC site - its Friday after all - and it looks like Umpqua Bank out of OR has eaten another WA bank. First it was Evergreen Bank, now its Rainier Pacific.

Umpqua, Umpqua ... sounds like a burp. At least the

Text is logo is pretty and Link is
logo is pretty (left corner).

1 Responses to “Umpqua is eating another WA bank”

  1. Homebody Says:

    It ate up our local Humboldt Bank a few years ago here in CA too!

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