Home > dirty money deja vu

dirty money deja vu

July 26th, 2010 at 04:42 am

Had a very successful weekend of finding money. At Safeway, I look in the checkout aisles some for the size of the line, but mostly for any money. Last night there was a dollar bill on the floor, so I picked that aisle.

Of course I couldn't just nab the bill. I patiently waited for the line to move - and for two sets of people to possibly notice and pick it up before I do. Fortunately the first set of people were two 20 yr old guys who had other concerns, and the woman ahead of me was reading a magazine in the checkout. As soon as they paid and headed out, the money was mine.

And I had a

Text is reprise of the fishing for coins incident and Link is
reprise of the fishing for coins incident. This time it was just a quarter, but since I'm not fond of gum, I still had some left over. Found a 5 ft stick, chewed some gum, formed the demented pool cue, retrieved the quarter. All within five minutes, and no witnesses this time.

2 Responses to “dirty money deja vu”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Ah-ha-ha! Smile Ya know-- I'm always telling my husband about your money finds. You are a champ!

  2. frugaltexan75 Says:

    You made some good money finds!

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