I had a laugh scanning some of CNN Money today. My favorite giggle inducer was 3 Easy Ways to Boost Your 401K. I'll link to it
here, to keep me honest, but I'll tell you what gave me the giggles.Easy Way 1: Up your contribution. (They gave the example of 6% to 10%). Wow. Mind blowing. Insert two smart-ass remarks here. 1) How EASY will that be when you are living paycheck to paycheck? 2) How do you make a small fortune? Start with a large fortune...
Easy Way 2: Change your asset allocation to get an 8% return. Hah hah. Shall we take accounts? Cash - interest is at best 1%, 10yr treasury bills at 2.7%, bonds at about 3%, dividend stocks at about 2.6%, regular stocks variable between some negative number and 20% if it was a smashing single year. And we apparently blithely forget the "past returns are not indicative of future results". So where is that dependable, sure-fire EASY 8% gonna come from?
Easy Way 3: Work until you are 67. Just don't get a psycho boss, a health issue, or God forbid, be a 50+ year old standing in the unemployment line. But those are EASY to avoid, right?
Its not the advice that gave me the giggles, but the EASY. Investing is worthwhile, but not EASY.
September 24th, 2010 at 05:07 am 1285301277
The second point was that if you assume things won't stay down forever practially everywhere, then having some diversification is your best bet on not missing out, which I can understand.
Third point is nice if you can do it. For a lot of people that may not be possible, which is unfortunate.
Overall, this was presented with the average CNNMoney audience in mind, not the average Joe Six-pack in mind. If it had been, then yeah, it was poorly done. But for their average viewer it probably wasn't that bad.
September 24th, 2010 at 03:36 pm 1285338997
September 24th, 2010 at 04:00 pm 1285340454
September 24th, 2010 at 06:43 pm 1285350226
September 24th, 2010 at 07:22 pm 1285352550