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picking up pennies

March 25th, 2011 at 03:53 am

Since July 2009, I've been tracking the spare change I've picked up in my travels. I picked up 4 pennies today, and crossed a milestone. I've picked up my 2,000th tracked penny.

And funny, I haven't overheard a snarky comment about picking up coins in a few years. Recession maybe, or that I'll mutter back, "bet you can use 69 bucks."

It all adds up.

3 Responses to “picking up pennies”

  1. Tightwad Kitty Says:

    I don't see that much money on the ground around here.
    I found a 5 cents our lowest coin here last week.

  2. baselle Says:

    yep - I don't whether Seattle people are especially careless, or whether I have a handle on where people drop money and I walk past places where I expect to find a coin or two. Definitely money on the ground is a payment from pedestrians to other pedestrians. Big Grin

  3. baselle Says:

    Jerry - I cringe sometimes too, enough to bring along a small bottle of hand sanitizer. Big Grin You know you are rich country when people throw money away.

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