Home > first day of staycation

first day of staycation

August 5th, 2011 at 04:45 am


Much as I love time off from work, its hard on my budget and on my diet. If I'm at work, I'm not tempted to spend much money, and I'm not tempted to eat ... two temptations that really happen when I'm out and about.

But this staycation, I'm going to be finishing up on my crafts. I picked up my first mosaic - its now completely done, except for the grout sealer, which I'm applying. The grout sealer is to ensure that rainwater (of which we get much in Seattle) won't harm it. Here it is:

And last night I finished gluing the glass bits on the mesh of my second piece, which is going to be a bottom of a wire tray. (Got the wire tray at Value Village for $6!) I have yet to mortar the glass onto a board using thinset, then grout it, then seal the grout. But you can get the general idea.

I figure that I've spend about 300$ on the class and materials of which I have plenty for several other projects... and I think I can keep the costs down. Definitely enjoy this!

4 Responses to “first day of staycation”

  1. whitestripe Says:

    I am the opposite, I eat more at work (surrounded by cake ... I mean, what can you do? lol). enjoy your staycation.

  2. MonkeyMama Says:

    I'm convinced if I was a stay-home-mom I'd weight 300 pounds or something. Big Grin
    At work, I can maintain a slim frame. & yeah - less time to go shopping, too.

    Beautiful! I love the mosaics!

  3. ceejay74 Says:

    Those are very cool mosaics!

  4. LuckyRobin Says:

    Those are so beautiful. You must really enjoy such a crafty outlet!

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