Home > the repair cafe

the repair cafe

May 15th, 2012 at 07:46 am

I read

Text is about repair cafes and Link is
about repair cafes in the New York Times last week. A space, a group of people who are willing to take a whack at fixing things, other people that bring non-working stuff, along with coffee, tea, and cookies. Intriguing idea, I wonder if we can start something like this in our neighborhood. We have a lot of coffee shops that run trivia nights, craft nights, and other events.

Our biggest repair coup couldn't have happened in a repair cafe. DH replaced the belt on the washer about 5 years ago - still running well.

Today the trainer looked terrible - I was his last appointment, and I asked him to go home, I could construct a workout myself and follow it. Only 3 more additional visits to complete that 555.

1 Responses to “the repair cafe”

  1. PauletteGoddard Says:

    Disco might not be dead, but May is slowly killing it off... and are reporting yet another music history casualty...

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