Home > getting back to routine

getting back to routine

January 5th, 2013 at 11:52 pm

Happy Holidays, and best of success in all your fiscal endeavors for 2013.

As for me, I'm getting back into the swing of routine. A different routine - I now can depend on me waking up at 7:45, and getting out the door at about 8:15 - 8:20, to catch any of the three downtown express buses. One (the 522) got me downtown on the 26th in 15 minutes. Man that was nice.

Done with carpet tile, just finished with the major wall painting (painting trim I'm sure is a forever project). I moved 2 full car loads of my stuff at the old place to the new condo, with the last full car load (books) perhaps will happen in the next week or two.

The next 'goal' is get set up enough to host the super Bowl party... first Sunday of February. For that, I'll break down and buy that TV, and get some seating. After that, the fridge and stove work like champs.

I have been doing lots of mini goals with the condo - got all the lighting to work, put post-its on the rooms to remind me what I need to do in them, arranged a charging station to hem in all the electronic crap in one area, am making a pile of stuff to donate/recycle (sometimes its just easier to move it, then donate it), arranged the entry way, monitored when the garbage gets picked up so I can slip a contractors bag of nasty carpet or dried paint waste when the dumpster is empty. Lawyer friend came by with his half full truck and took 15 bags - hard to tell if he will swing around again. He soon will not be a co worker - he's heading for another job at another non-profit. Hopefully we can still keep in touch...if nothing else, he's another dead pool player.

Received a box of organic produce from sister, and I've sent her a Christmas fish in return. Also sent her before and after condo pics.

Our own Spondilucks won the 2012 Dead Pool pool, so I mailed the proceeds to her. She hosted a New Year's Eve soiree which was a whole lot of fun. We had a great time comparing methodologies! Right now the 2013 pool has again 13 players - I might have 2 more and am willing to wait a day or two longer, but after that it becomes not fair to others who got their list in...especially if you are planning on playing Hugo Chavez. Smile

Still holding out on not having Internet at home - what I might do is write posts when I can then publish them one after the other. My net worth took a dip because I put down 20%, but it is still around 600K. The 403B really perked up at the very end - it alone is at 181K.

8 Responses to “getting back to routine”

  1. Amber Says:

    Congrats on the new condo. Also I like the idea of a charging station, I think I'll do the same Smile

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Good job in setting and meeting your goals.

  3. SecretarySaving Says:

    You have been a busy bee. Things sound to be moving along very well for you. I love the idea of the Super Bowl party (woo hoo)!

  4. GrimJack Says:

    Charging station, WOW! Should've thought of that myself. I've got cables everywhere which I am pretty sure is what killed the Roomba (did you see the vid of the baby riding a Roomba - it is worth googling, though how could 49 people not like it?). I have boxed up some of my books for moving others are bagged for selling. The Blind came by for all the donations.

    Congrats on getting your place shaped up!

  5. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Sounds like you are keeping busy and organized. Smile

  6. scfr Says:

    Good work on getting the new place spruced up.
    Will you count condo equity in your net worth calculations?

  7. PauletteGoddard Says:

    I admire your energy! I hope to see your new place soon! May I poke at the two people I know who've expressed interest?

  8. baselle Says:

    Paulette - come by! I haven't had people formally over, (no chairs yet, ha ha), but I've given the nickel tour to a couple of people already. Please poke.

    I'll put up a picture of my homemade charging station. I bought one of those lean-against-the-wall-bookshelf things, then arranged the surge protector and the adaptors on it. Cables still are butt-ugly, but at least it puts the electricity between waist and eye level and its an organized butt-ugly.

    scfr - hadn't thought about counting the condo equity, but since it can be sold for a chunk, it is an asset. And it would make me feel a little richer. Smile

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