Home > week 5 & 5.5

week 5 & 5.5

May 1st, 2013 at 03:17 am

Week 5 on the kitchen remodel was a bit slow - just the lighting was installed and the appliances were delivered.

Lights .... I think I will call them my War of the Worlds lights due to their tripod nature.

This weekend, I did a recon mission on a couple of tile stores. Score - I love to work with vitreous glass and I finally found a place in Seattle that has a lot of colors. That, and other tile samples were what I picked up along the way. Couldn't make many final decisions until I see the countertops.

I throw out week 5.5 because yesterday (my 51st birthday!) the contractor installed the countertops, (I also showed the undercabinet lighting here) -

And today, the sink and faucet were fully installed (also a good shot at the countertop pattern)-

Dang that flooring guy!

7 Responses to “week 5 & 5.5”

  1. creditcardfree Says:


  2. snafu Says:

    Gorgeous faucet, it's like kitchen jewellery; what will you choose for backsplash?

  3. Looking Forward Says:

    Looking Great!
    Happy Birthday too. Smile
    I think the yellow toned tiles would look sharp with that countertop.

  4. My English Castle Says:

    Agreed! Beautiful! Happy Birthday!

  5. CB in the City Says:

    Lookin' nice! Your sink, countertop and faucet are just like mine!

  6. FrugalTexan75 Says:


    Happy birthday!

  7. Grumpy Old Man Says:

    Happy belated birthday! V.I. looked so cute investigating the wall of boxes. Your place looks very good but you were always good with design.

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