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sometimes the surprises are pleasant

June 20th, 2013 at 04:33 am

First off, I'm taking it relatively slow on the backsplash. Got what I want to do, am planning it meticulously, did my jury stick measurements, got the tile samples (which really look GREAT and will be the icing on the cake) to do the grout study.

But the pleasant surprise was a tiny-ish refund to the tune of $174. It came from the bank - apparently they have you pay just a hair too much to provide a little extra cushion for the escrow. After about 6 months, everybody gets into a rhythm, and the cushion gets refunded and my mortgage payment dropped by about $10/payment. Helpful.

Things are settling down fiscally, so I'm getting back in the groove, in a couple of different ways. I've reactivated my tip box at work, so I'm showing that some love. FYI, I have a little decorative box at work - the "tip box" - that I throw change, small bills in. When there's an office collection, I pull from my tip box, but in general every month I deposit what's in there.

6 weeks ago I was 175 lb naked and now I'm 170. Gym bug has not caught on yet, I'm just walking and always taking the stairs up and down. Since the gym is next door to work and a branch is two blocks from my house, it does require a lot of avoidance. Smile

Looking at my net worth it has dropped a bit to the high 500K. If I hadn't bought the condo and hadn't remodeled the kitchen I would have been 70K up. You can't think that way, though. Money is a means not an end. I'm enjoying the end point and I know I will for a good long time.

3 Responses to “sometimes the surprises are pleasant”

  1. My English Castle Says:

    Nice! I am also skilled at avoiding the gym and three or four days of serious dieting ended it two glasses of wine and two pieces of delicious strawberry cake.

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Oh, I've been avoiding the gym too. I thought I'd start walking, but out here in the country the mosquitoes are terrible this year...even with bug spray.

  3. CB in the City Says:

    Buying my condo has stalled my net worth also, but I'm awfully glad to be a home owner!

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