Home > feelin' the frugal burn

feelin' the frugal burn

July 15th, 2013 at 01:57 am

Gremlins ate my post, so this will be quick and less literate.

Tomorrow is payday - I had $60 to work with from Wednesday. I had a confluence of mortgage payment, COA monthly fee, and the (hopefully) last payment for kitchen, so I had to pull from my most immediate savings fund. At least I had it.

At work, the 403B switched out 2 funds and picked up 3 new ones. A couple of dividend funds to invest in there at last, along with a real estate fund to spice things up. I did a little adjusting to put a little bit into the new funds.

Have hit the gym twice last week and twice last week the week before. Soon it will be a habit again. I've been cycling between 170 and 177. Would be nicer if it begins to drop but it doesn't rise, well that's a win too.

3 Responses to “feelin' the frugal burn ”

  1. Shiela Says:

    I always just copy everything before posting because half of the time it doesn't show up.

  2. Kiki Says:

    So sorry it ate your post!

  3. rob62521 Says:

    Sorry the gremlins attacked.

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