Home > Free museum day

Free museum day

September 5th, 2013 at 06:56 am

Got an email alert that Free Museum Day is going to be Saturday, Sept 28, and I took a look at the ones participating. In Seattle its richer than it has been in past years: EMP, Burke, Wing Luke, Museum of Flight, Henry, Frye, MOHAI. What to choose?

I'm toying with Wing Luke - I've never been there.

Easy to participate - pick your place, and print (or get it on your smartphone) your ticket(s).

6 Responses to “Free museum day”

  1. PauletteGoddard Says:

    We're going to SAM in a few hours to attend "First Thursday" free museum day.
    I think the Frye is free all the time. Wing Luke is not all that, imho, but I had a very rude tour guide when I went for free. Most recent museum visits have been Museum of Flight and MOHAI in its new space, but MOHAI's displaying 5% of their artifact collection.

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    What a nice benefit! We don't have too many museums in our new town. The one I do want to visit is pricey, but is currently exhibiting Madeline Albrights lapel pins, which seems very interesting.

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    After my post, I went to make sure I didn't miss that exhibit. I have not, still on for the rest of the month. But I found out we missed free admission for nearly the whole month of August, as active duty military. The whole family could have gotten in free! Darn.

  4. scfr Says:

    I love Free Museum Day! Have been to the Pioneer Museum in Round Rock, and the Blanton Museum of Art and the Neil-Cochran House in Austin. Not sure if we'll go this year but we've definitely enjoyed it in the past.

    CCF - You don't have to be a Smithsonian member to go. Anyone can order 2 free tickets for participating museums. To go as a family, just have both yourself & your husband sign up.

  5. baselle Says:

    I'm trying Wing Luke anyway - never been, I have things to do in the ID and its easy. If its not all that and a bag of chips at least it will be free. Their normal is $12.

    The Museum of Glass in Tacoma is participating (ex and I took the 594 and Tacoma Link) and that was great when we went - you can also sit in the auditorium surrounding the hot boxes and watch glass being blown.

  6. Wino Says:

    There's a museum here in Dubai. I have never made the time to go there. I think I will go on Saturday. Glad you mentioned museums. I've always enjoyed them.

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